Our weekly Advent resource invites you to explore the ways in which Emmanuel, God-with-us, brings you hope, peace, joy and love, especially during hard times. The resource is available for pickup on the nametag table in the Gathering Area and is emailed in digital form on Sunday mornings during Advent. Explore how the ideas and themes each week influence how you view God, your faith and the world. If you would like to receive the resource via email, contact kathleen@flclincoln.org.
Our Wednesday Advent services begin today and will give you the chance to deepen your own understanding of prayer by exploring Old Testament stories that teach about the prayer life of God’s people. We will see how these conversations with God show us that prayer isn’t saying just the right words, but having honest conversations with God that reflect real life and even real wrestling with God.
Join us today, December 7 and December 14 at noon or 6:30 pm for our midweek worship with Holden Evening Prayer and stories from our models of faithful prayer. Plan to enjoy soup after the noon service or at 5:30 pm before the evening service.