Each person is a unique creation of God and, through grace, is a child of God. The people of First Lutheran Church welcome all because God welcomes all, without regard for race or…
The 155th Annual Meeting of First Lutheran Church will be held on Sunday, January 26, beginingn at 12:30 PM in the Activity Center, with childcare available in the nursery during the meeting. Before…
The day was cold, the deadline tight and the need urgent. Yet the response was swift and the action truly inspiring. If you think the property committee of First Lutheran Church is solely…
Wyatt Swanson, our part-time accountant, has recently taken on new responsibilities in his full-time role, which require additional travel and time commitments. Unfortunately, this means he will no longer be able to continue…
The online signup for worship assistants is now open for January, February and March! We’ve moved our signup process to Realm! The sign-up process is quick and straightforward. Follow these steps to get…
Join us for the Souper Bowl of Caring where every donation makes a real difference in someone’s life – right here in Lincoln! Matthew 25:35-37 – “For I was hungry, and you gave…
Sunday’s Noisy Offering will support the Lutheran Family Services (LFS) Well-Being Box Program, which provides essential items for families in need. Donations help stock the LFS Children’s Services closets, where families can select…
Pastor Andrew had prepared what he called “his best sermon yet” for worship this past Sunday – but winter weather had other plans! Even though we couldn’t gather in person, we didn’t want…
Join us at Noon on Sunday, January 19, at the Activity Center for a free light lunch and an update on what our Justice in Action Team is doing to tackle three key…
Join us for two preview sessions ahead of the annual meeting, scheduled for Sunday, January 12 and January 19, from 9:30 to 10:30 AM in the Activity Center. Each session will feature unique…