Each person is a unique creation of God and, through grace, is a child of God. The people of First Lutheran Church welcome all because God welcomes all, without regard for race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status, physical or mental challenges, imprisonment, addictions, socio-economic circumstances, or anything else that too often divides us. First Lutheran Church is a spiritual community that celebrates the gifts of God that can empower us to engage in the struggles of life, to care for each other, and to serve Christ where we work and live. Our unity is in Christ.
“We had been searching for a home church for many, many months. The first time we stepped through the door of First Lutheran, people greeted us, then another person was at the Sanctuary door to greet and Pastor Erin welcomed all the newcomers at the beginning of worship!! The Welcome Statement caught our attention - inclusivity, supporting each other to grow in faith together. And, of course the music adds so much to our worship experience. Thanks be to God for this church community.”
Nguyet & Chris
“I remember the first worship service I attended at First Lutheran Church. What a wonderful experience it was! Upon entering the church and observing members, it was quite clear that First Lutheran was a community that cared. Jesus will meet us where we are and he loves us regardless if we are the woman at the well or the man with leprosy. The unconditional love of Christ is reflected in the community of First Lutheran. It is a place of belonging, a place of love, a spiritual home and a family of believers. Christ's love is reflected at First Lutheran through their mission, along with their desire for an inclusive community. Each Sunday, I am spiritually inspired by the sermons which renew my desire to lead as Jesus led by being kind-hearted, empathetic and doing all things with love in my heart. I am excited to serve First Lutheran and our Lincoln community.”
At First Lutheran, we are a welcoming community, inviting you to join us as we navigate life’s celebrations and challenges together. Our journey extends beyond our immediate circles, as we are united in our mission to support our neighbors both locally and globally, advocating for justice and equality for all.
Importantly, we come together to explore questions of faith, embracing the uncertainties and recognizing that we don’t always have the answers. What we are certain of is that God is abundant in grace, mercy, and forgiveness for everyone.
Just as he welcomed all, so do we. We invite you to walk with us, to accompany, serve, connect, advocate, explore and question. We’re passionate about walking alongside you and your family as you navigate faith and life.
Come and belong with us.
From July through December 2024, our congregation has grown in amazing ways – building faith, deepening connections and making a real difference in our community. We’ve celebrated joyful moments like Christmas worship and the Fall Festival, and embraced meaningful initiatives like a quilt blessing and record-breaking giving through Gifts of Hope. Some other highlights? Honoring our oldest member, hosting fun events like the Lego Contest and reaching out to serve others through programs like “Kicks for Kids.” Be sure to check out the latest First Stories newsletter for heartwarming, Spirit-filled stories about these and so many other special First moments!

Connect With Others
We desire to connect with others, grow in our relationship with Christ and understand what it means to be ambassadors of his love and grace.

Accompany Others
We feel called to walk alongside and care for all of God’s children – whether within the First Lutheran community or with others locally and worldwide.

Worship With Others
We are committed to coming together for worship to pray, sing, commune and hear the Good News – reminding us we’re not alone and empowering us for life’s challenges.