Our January Congregational Council meeting’s primary focus was considering the 2025 budget proposal which will be discussed and voted at our January 26 Annual Congregational meeting.
Each fall the congregational budget committee develops a proposed budget for the following year which is then considered by the Congregational Council for passing to the congregation for its approval or modification.
The current Budget Committee proposal relies on some one-time existing revenue to assure a balanced plan. Without this revenue and other adjustments we are facing a potential 2025 budget deficit exceeding $100,000. The Council recognizes that substantial decisions need to be made to eliminate the gap between revenue and expenses, whether it is for our 2025 budget or for 2026. The Council discussion considered either proposing immediate cuts for congregational consideration or affirming the Budget Committee recommendations. A majority of the Council members supported the Budget Committee plan with an understanding that discussions involving the Council and congregation over the next few months will allow a revised balanced budget plan which is sustainable without one time funding.
This issue was introduced and discussed at last Sunday’s informational preview session between our worship services. Additional discussion will be encouraged at next Sunday’s Annual Meeting. We look forward to your participation. We will begin with a spaghetti luncheon served by our youth and their parents. The luncheon revenue supports the youth summer mission trips.
Finally, I want to thank you for your support and encouragement during my tenure the last two years as Congregational President. I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to serve during this time with such a talented and dedicated Congregational Council. You are represented well by this group!
Lee Rockwell