The banners displayed on the Altar on Sunday for our anniversary were designed for the 150th anniversary. They were the work of a special committee composed of Andrew Morrow, Molly Goninan, Loretta Hammelmann, Judy Bailey, Jane Shaner and Pastor Dan Warnes.
The committee worked in an unusual way in that they designed and tweaked by committee. Andrew was the “chief architect.” He drew the committee’s ideas on paper. Once the committee approved, colors and fabric swatches were introduced. Jane then transfered patterns and constructed the banners. Judy cut a great many letters to make the words and numbers.
The “Living Water” banner is self-explanatory. All blessings flow from the hand of God.
The cross banner replicates the central cross over the Altar in the Sanctuary. This banner has our 150th anniversary theme, “Celebrating God’s Faithfulness.”
The red, blue, yellow and white circle banner is our official First Lutheran logo. Within the circle can be found overlapping circles to represent the Trinity, the heart of Jesus and the cross he died on. The green bud represents growth in discipleship. The blue background comes from the Lutheran seal. The yellow ring symbolizes blessed heaven. This banner has been on display for several months by the doors of the Gathering Area.
Thanks goes to John Jenkins and Dean Sewell for making the banner stands.
These banners beautified the Altar and Sanctuary on Sunday and we are grateful to all who contributed to the creation of them. We especially remember Andrew Morrow who we lost in 2020.