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Another Day of Serving in Louisville, KY

By June 26, 2024News, Serve
Here’s what happened in Louisville, KY on Tuesday!
Day two of our time in Louisville found us mulching, weeding, painting, clearing brush and packing meals. Mike, Mark, Stephen, Maxx, Christian, Cole and Sharon worked at the same site – a community garden for half the day and Love the Hungry for the other half. We packed enough meals to feed 3,500 kids for a day (one full pallet serves 7,000). Kristi, Anna and Kaitlyn worked at Janice’s house and she was very appreciative and treated them to popsicles.
For fun tonight we went to the Falls of Ohio. We expected to see an actual waterfall, but instead enjoyed looking at the rock formations which were loaded with fossils and found a tree with amazing roots that reminded us of our theme “rooted”. We also went for ice cream at Louisville Cream where they use local milk. It was delicious! For cogregational time we were given supplies to make bracelets to remember how we are twisted and tangled together like a mass of roots.
Here is what Kaitlyn and Anna, both first time attendees, said about the trip so far:
Anna: “Today I enjoyed seeing the excitement on Janice’s (the lady we worked for) face when we told her we were done with all of the yard work she needed done. She wanted to pay us back in some way so she was so very kind and brought us popsicles. I also loved the relief of the shower after a long day of work.”
Kaitlyn: “I really like getting to know the other people at the different churches. I really liked getting to know the people we help out and seeing all Louisville has to offer.”
First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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