What a wonderful way to give praise to God by bringing family members of all ages together for a choir! Grandparents with grandchildren and parents with sons and daughters singing He’s Got the…
by Carol Olson, First Lutheran Member In last week’s e-newsletter Pastor Erin introduced us to the Nebraska Synod’s year-long focus on “Go and…” In July, we are encouraged to Go and…Listen! Scripture…
The Las Abejitas Bilingual Education Center at First Lutheran is making the news! Watch this news story on Channel 10/11 featuring the Center and its debut in Lincoln.
The Good News, wherever we find ourselves “in the thick of ordinary life,” is that God is here for it. All of it. Connect with Pastor Erin Heidelberger’s weekend message here.
The First Lutheran Secret Porch Droppers have struck again! This time they have dropped sparklers on members’ porches to let them know that their sparkle and shine make a difference at First! Happy…
On our final day of Vacation Bible School we rested. We heard the story of creation and were reminded of how important it is to rest – just as God did. In storytelling…
On Thursday, day four of VBS, we focused on prayer. We heard the story of the Lord’s Prayer and sang The Caribbean Lord’s Prayer. In science we learned about meditation and dance as…
“Forgiveness” was the theme for day three of Operation Restoration Vacation Bible School. How many times do we forgive? 70×7. We looked at broken things and figured out how to use broken pieces….
Day 2 of Vacation Bible School is in the books! The day’s theme was “Heal.” We had a visit from Major, the ambassador dog of Domestipups, and his trainer, Anne, to learn how…
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it,” —Mark Twain. Vicar Erick Hill’s weekend message connects listeners with a vulnerable, all-loving God whose followers are…