Hugging. Smiling. Laughing. Crying. Welcoming. Reminiscing. Singing. Praying. Communing. Reflecting. Dreaming. Celebrating. We may have had to wait two extra years to celebrate our 150th anniversary at First Lutheran Church, but it didn’t…
We were blessed to have former pastors, a vicar and daughters of First Lutheran join us at our 152nd anniversary celebration on Sunday! They are each featured in the first photo (left…
First Lutheran celebrated 152 years as a faith community this past weekend! The buiding was filled with hope, energy, love, optimism, laughter and tears as we reflected on the past and set our…
On Sunday, we celebrate 152 years of ministry at First Lutheran Church with 56 of those years at our current site of 70th & A Street. We broke ground for the building on…
Just a tidbit of the sights and sounds of 450+ worshipers at First Lutheran Church on Easter morning.
If you were at church on Easter Sunday, you couldn’t help but notice the My Story. Our Story. God’s Story. mosaic that made its debut in the Commons area that day! The mosaic…
Celebrating 152 Years of Ministry in Lincoln! There is always a great deal of interest in knowing where we first came from, but often little evidence with which to work. Such is…
Online registration is now open for Vacation Bible School 2022 planned for Monday, June 20-Friday, June 24, from 8:30 am-Noon. Any child, ages 3 through 5th grade, is invited to join in…
Join us today for our Good Friday worship service at noon and 6:30 pm. This service is of light and darkness based on the shadows our Lord experienced on Maundy Thursday and Good…
Join us for Maundy Thursday worship today at noon and 6:30 pm when we remember the story of how God saved our people in a time of trial. We will sit at the…