Just had hip surgery and need a ride to physical therapy or transportation to your next doctor appointment? Finding alternative transportation in Lincoln can be difficult. Services are limited and often expensive and…
Join us Sunday, December 15, in the Activity Center at 9:30 am to go on an “Advent Journey”. Journey throughout the building to experience and reflect on the stories leading up to Jesus’…
It’s tradition – movie night in December and, of course, we will have popcorn. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is the delightful story of the traditional church Christmas pageant turned upside down when…
Our Gifts of Hope alternative market is a way to give a gift that keeps on giving. Just one small gift can have a huge impact in the lives of others locally,…
Instead of purchasing poinsettias this year, First Lutheran would welcome your contribution for the purpose of purchasing Christmas decorations to be used our new worship space. You can submit your $10 contribution to…
Advent is a journey with God. We travel with God from where we are to Bethlehem and beyond. Week two of our Advent theme lifts up the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth and…
The word of the month for FaithTrek during the month of November was CARE. The kids (ages 3-5th grade) learned what it means to care for another person and all the ways you…
Join us for a road trip on Thursday, December 12, to see our new church pews under construction at Rattigan-Schottler Inc. in Beatrice. We will leave the church at 10:00 am and carpool…
The FaithTrek 2nd and 3rd graders helped us with the book drive for Reading Matters, a program of the Lincoln Housing Authority. We all agreed having books of our own was important to us…