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Back to School Blessing This Weekend in Worship

A blessing will be held for all students and school employees this Saturday, August 13, and Sunday, August 14, during worship services. Bring your backpack, briefcase, band instrument, sports equipment, lunch box or whatever item you take to school with you and there will be a special litany during the service times where you will come forward with your item and be blessed. You will also receive a backpack tag to remind you that “God’s Got Your Back”.

We look forward to seeing you at church this weekend and will be praying for you as you return to school!

First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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Saturday | 5:30pm
Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

Office Hours

Monday-Friday | 8:30am – 4:30pm



1551 South 70th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

(click the map for driving directions)
