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Call Committee Selected and Discernment Event Planned

By May 6, 2022News

At the Congregational Council meeting in April six members were selected to serve on the Call Committee for an Associate Pastor at First Lutheran: Dawn Brock, Gene Cotter, Lisa Culbertson, Dakota Fischer, Kari Hoeft and Jen Wemhoff. The Council also made recommendations for people to serve on the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) team.

An intergenerational discernment event and lunch for the congregation (members of ALL ages) will be held on Sunday, May 22, in the Activity Center at noon and facilitated by Anne Kubr, a Spiritual Director. This event will help us establish prayer as our guiding practice for the call process and have guided conversations about the mission, gifts, challenges and needs of our congregation at this time. Look for more information to come about this important event in the call process.

The MSP team will use information and insight gained during the event to complete the MSP. Once the Call Committee is installed they will prepare to receive and interview candidates for the Associate Pastor call.

Listen to Pastor Suzanne’s Sermon on May 1 About Preparing for the Call

Stay Up-to-Date With the Call Process 

First Lutheran

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