Our Sanctuary came alive on Sunday with a heartfelt retelling of the Christmas story! This year, our beloved pageant introduced “Clarence the Angel,” whose whimsical attempt at managing life on Earth took an…
Join us for “Wrapped in Love,” an intergenerational Mini VBS from December 29 to December 31! This year’s theme, inspired by Colossians 3:14, reminds us: “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which…
The Advent season invites us into a time of hope, reflection and joy as we anticipate the coming of Christ. It’s a chance to pause amidst the busyness, to light candles in the…
“God has given each of us a light to shine, and we do no good by hiding it. We also need to avoid overshadowing others,” shared Bishop Scott Johnson at the SHINE: Leadership…
This past Sunday, our FaithTrekkers embarked on an exciting journey through the books of the Bible, discovering how they are organized. The highlight? Our cherubs teamed up and used Lego blocks to assemble…
Yesterday, some of our middle and high school youth visited the UNL Lutheran Center for worship. They whipped up a baked potato bar for the students’ lunch and had a great time chatting…
Sunday was a significant day for four young members of First Lutheran Church as they participated in the Affirmation of Baptism, or Confirmation. This rite celebrates the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work in their…
Last Sunday’s learning hour at First was alive with the joyful sounds of Orff instruments! Our little ones were singing “Jesus Loves Me” in sign language, while our middle and high school students…
If you haven’t experienced Bubble Prayer or 5 Finger Prayer, check in with our youngest learners! They were all in Sunday as Pastor Erin engaged families in active prayer. Their prayer pillows, made…
by Laura Graulty, FaithTrek Coordinator I had a conversation recently with a cherub as to why we don’t call Sunday morning learning time “Sunday School” anymore. Do you know the reason? …