Be a part of something special this holiday season by joining our virtual Christmas choir. All ages and voices are welcome! Contact Masako for information on how it will creatively happen! But, don’t…
Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. Join your First Lutheran friends and others near and far for a “Grateful Hearts” online…
Thank you to everyone – of all ages – who have contributed music for worship from recordings at home to sharing music live on Sunday mornings since the pandemic hit in March. The…
Now more than ever it’s important to serve and praise God! Both children’s choirs have adapted by using more instruments as singing is considered as “high risk” activity. Children are welcome to join…
Did you know that singing in a choir is cheaper than therapy, healthier than drinking and more fun that working out? Adult Choir will begin meeting Wednesdays at 7:10 pm via Zoom on…
Singing and wind instrument ensembles have strict limitations due to potential air-borne contamination of coronavirus. Until further research on the aerosol spray issues, these groups will need to seek their ministries in different,…
Every Wednesday evening from 7:10-8:00 pm during the school year our Adult Choir meets for rehearsals. They also sing at worship two Sundays a month. We are thankful they each share their time…
It’s Throwback Thursday! If you thought being in a choir was just about singing, it’s not. It’s also about building relationships, having fun, sharing talents and making memories. The children and adult choirs…
If you weren’t at worship yesterday, or even if you were and couldn’t see, listen to this snippet of our amzing handbell quintent play and watch the constant hand movement by each of…
Share your God-given talents in an upcoming music ensemble! July 14 – Orff Ensemble July 21 – Summer One-Time Choir July 28 – String Ensemble August 11- Youth Handbell (Music readers) August 18…