The Advent season invites us into a time of hope, reflection and joy as we anticipate the coming of Christ. It’s a chance to pause amidst the busyness, to light candles in the…
“Advent is a season that encourages us to pray from our bones. Its vivid stories and songs implore us to pursue, desire and cry out for what is still not yet, still to…
Have you ever experienced worship that encompasses all the seasons of the church year, from Advent and Christmas to Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost, in a single service? This rare celebration unfolded…
Yesterday, some of our middle and high school youth visited the UNL Lutheran Center for worship. They whipped up a baked potato bar for the students’ lunch and had a great time chatting…
This past Sunday, something special happened at our 10:45 AM worship service. Kayla Peters, a courageous 9th grader, stepped up to the pulpit to deliver a sermon that touched the hearts of everyone…
Sunday was a significant day for four young members of First Lutheran Church as they participated in the Affirmation of Baptism, or Confirmation. This rite celebrates the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work in their…
God welcomes all into lives of everyday sainthood! Pastor Andrew Kitzing’s All Saint’s Sunday sermon points to our words and actions as living examples of what faith in Christ means.
As we approach the presidential election, we are reminded of the vital role prayer plays in our lives and communities. When the Body of Christ unites in prayer, its power is undeniable. You…
What a Reformation Sunday it was! The brilliance of brass, anthems resounding from choir and congregation and a spunky dialog between Martin Luther and Philip Melanchton brought energy and joy to the worship…
This Sunday, October 27, will be a celebration filled with food, fellowship and fun, along with some important church business. We will celebrate Reformation Sunday with a single worship service at 10:45…