How do you feel about being a work in progress? Pastor Andrew Kitzing’s sermon offers fresh take-aways from the text in John 3:1-17. What does the conversation between a curious, yet reluctant, questioner…
“When you find yourself weak, you don’t have to muster up power and strength. The story we have inherited is not one of our own power and control. The gifts of God’s Holy…
“God uses people who aren’t chosen, aren’t in the spotlight, who don’t receive accolades. It’s not about titles or recognition. It’s about living lives that shine a light on Jesus.” Here’s more from…
“What would it mean for you if you understood your primary identity as ‘one God is crazy about?’” Pastor Erin Heidelberger’s weekend sermon describes pure Gospel love “that the heavens could not contain,…
“He was a perpetual outsider who was bold enough to ask questions. The result? He finally found a home where he belonged.” The nudges and reassurance in Pastor Andrew Kitzing’s weekend sermon are…
Yesterday, our talented string ensemble performed “Crown Him With Many Crowns” and “Easter Alleluia” at our worship service. From middle school students to high school students and adults, their talent shone through, reminding…
On Good Shepherd Sunday Pastor Erin Heidelberger reminded the First Lutheran flock that Jesus the Good Shepherd knows each name and always comes to us, not with demands, but with promises. Hear this…
“Peace be with you!” The unconditional grace and mercy of God grounds us so that we can offer words of life and hope to others. Listen to Pastor Erin Heidelberger’s weekend message here.
What if the Gospel passage remembered for “Doubting Thomas” is actually meant to be a lesson about Jesus? Pastor Andrew Kitzing’s sermon reminds us that “whenever we find ourselves behind locked doors, allowing…
Easter at First Lutheran was a celebration to remember! Our sanctuary rang with joy as the brass ensemble and choirs filled the air with alleluias and hymns of praise. We shared communion, smiles,…