On June 2 we have a unique worship opportunity and you’re invited to participate. The Nebraska Synod has invited and encouraged congregations across the synod to worship along with the Synod Assembly closing worship on Sunday, June 2, at 11:00 AM via the livestream of the service.
First Lutheran will be a part of this, which means we will not hold services on Saturday, June 1. or at 8:15 AM on Sunday, June 2, and we will move the 10:45 AM service to 11:00 AM in the Activity Center.
This isn’t just watching a livestream, though. We will sing, pray and hear Scripture and preaching together, knowing that as we are gathered together as one congregation, we are also gathered together across Nebraska as one synod. In fact, this is an opportunity we don’t often have: to worship with your fellow First Lutheran family who usually attend different services. So, my challenge to you for June 2: come to worship (better yet, come early for fellowship time) ready to find one person you don’t see at the service you typically attend and introduce yourself or get reacquainted.
The theme for Synod Assembly is “Cultivating Love”. Worshipping together at 11:00 AM on June 2 will be a time for us to do that, to cultivate love and live into our shared mission as God’s people in Nebraska.