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Chiefs Win the Souper Bowl, but Lincoln Lutheran Food Pantry Scores Big!

The Eagles may have swooped in for an early lead at Saturday night’s worship, but by the final whistle on Sunday morning, the Chiefs clinched the Souper Bowl of Caring victory with an unofficial score of $501.73 to $203.27. However, the true MVP was the Lincoln Lutheran Food Pantry, scoring a grand total of $705!
A huge shoutout to everyone who donated food during our 3-week Souper Bowl of Caring face-off! The friendly competition even inspired two of our FaithTrekkers, an Eagles fan and a Chiefs fan, to set aside their “rivalry” and bring some championship-level sportsmanship to FaithTrek on Sunday. Now that’s what we call a win-win!
First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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Sunday | 8:15am
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