This weekend is Commitment Weekend for our critically important “Called to Welcome” campaign!
Starting on Sunday, May 20, at 7:15 am, we will be hosting a special Prayer Vigil and praying for everyone’s generous response to our campaign effort on and after Commitment Weekend. If you would like to join in the prayer vigil, please come to the Prayer Room any time between 7:15 and 11:45 am.
You are also encouraged to stop by the Activity Center after all worship services this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) where volunteers will be on hand to visit with you about our campaign and your possible commitment.
Volunteers have also been recruited to visit members in their homes and/or by phone starting next Sunday afternoon to more fully explain the campaign effort, to answer people’s questions and to invite people to consider their campaign commitment. Please open your hearts and homes to these dedicated people. Listen thoughtfully. Ask questions. Then, do your part to help make our campaign a success and your very best in the way of a gift.
In preparation of this important weekend, take time daily to pray:
Gracious God,
As your disciple, I am Called to Welcome because you welcome all.
Open my eyes, ears and heart to use your resources as I serve, learn, worship and pray.
Empower me to care for others and serve you always.
As God’s community we are stronger when all are engaged in mission together.
Throughout the ages, you have challenged your people to do your work.
Be with me as I discern how I will support the work you have given me to do and guide me me as I share my gifts.
I ask your blessing, Lord Jesus, on my effort with faith, hope and love.