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First Lutheran 6th Grader is the Inspiration for October’s Noisy Offering

By September 30, 2023Care Ministry, News, Serve

Our Noisy Offering tomorrow will go towards the Capital Humane Society in recognition of the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, also known as the Blessing of the Animals Day, observed on October 4. Your Noisy Offering will help the Capital Humane Society continue to serve the community and provide animals with a safe and healthy home until they are adopted. Through your support, we can ensure all animals will receive the respect and care they deserve. Listen to 6th grader and First member, Christian Paulsen, in the video talk about how he responded when he heard 20 puppies at the Capital Humane Society needed help last November – reminding us that those in need of our time and monetary support are sometimes four-legged creatures.

First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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