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First Lutheran’s Generosity Makes a Difference Locally and Around the World

By April 7, 2023News

Dear First Lutheran Endowment Fund,

On behalf of the 500+ friends and neighbors who rely on Tabitha Meals on Wheels to remain safe and independent in their home, THANK YOU, for your generous contribution.

Your donations of $1,532 and $1,193.28 provides so much to grateful Lincoln residents, such as hot, nutritious and tasty meals, 365 days a year, safety and wellbeing checks, friendly visits and smiles from dedicated volunteers and the peace of mind for families and friends knowing our neighbor is taken care of.

More than 81% of our local meal recipients cannot afford the cost of their meal. This is an 11% increase in the past year alone! Across the country, many other home-based food services are closing or putting people on long waiting lists. Yet, Tabitha Meals on Wheels is able to serve more people in need because you continue to care.

With your support we are able to continue to say yes to those in need. Thank you for your support of this vital community service through the hearts and hands of Tabitha.


JP Lauterbach
Director of Development

Christine Hinrichs
President and CEO


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your generous gift of $68.82 to the Center for People in Need. You are providing hope to thousands of families.

The past year was again very difficult for many families in our community. But with support from donors like you, the Center was able to provide healthy meals to 2,292 families as part of our Thanksgiving Food distribution. That’s a 58% increase over 2021. The numbers were even higher for our Toyland event in December. We distributed special gifts for 3,950 children! And every week we continue to distribute food, clothes, personal care items and diapers so families can spread their limited dollars further.

In addition, our educational programs continue to provide a pathway out of poverty: EduTech, the POP scholarship program, Opening Doors and English Language Learning are our current opportunities.

Keep an eye on the impact your generous gift has had, visit or our social media for the latest news and updates.

Because you care, families throughout our community can build better lives. Thank you, again, for your generosity and compassion.

Deepest regards,

Macala Carter
Executive Director


Dear Pastor Heidelberger and First Lutheran Friends,

Please forgive and accept this tardy thank you for allowing the Czech Language Foundation to host our annual October banquet in your multi-purpose room. Our banquet allows us to bring together our scholarship donors with students whose studies in the Czech Language Program qualify them for the scholarships. We are proud that UNL has the largest Czech Studies program in the United States! Please accept the enclosed donation as another way for us to say thank you.

Linda Taborek, Treasurer for the Czech Language Foundation



Please give our thank you wishes to everyone at First Lutheran who participted and helped in your Gifts of Hope market in December. Lincoln Bike Kitchen is working hard on giveaways and your donation of $1,466.21 will be put to good use. Thus far, (in December 2022), LBK has given away over 900 bikes to school children, low income adults and needy refugees, providing them with transportation, recreation and exercise, as well as just plain fun. We may or may not get to 1,000 bikes in 2022, but First Lutheran has definitely helped.

Be sure to give thanks to Barb and Clay. I know how much effort Barb put into making this event work. Clay was a great help during the market and since then has become a bike delivery person, utilizing his pickup to get good bikes from your congregation to our shop. Thus far, we have received two very good Treks!

Thanks again!

Clayton Sreich
Lincoln Bike Kitchen


Dear Friends of First Lutheran,

Thank you for your organization’s recent gifts of $50 each to Lutheran World Relief! When you love your neighbors with your generous gifts to LWR, you change lives in amazing ways.

For Walaa Ali al Ali, a Syrian refugee living in Lebanon, your love arrived in the form of a beehive. As the primary breadwinner for her family – including her mother, her developmentally disabled brother, a niece and a nephew – she struggled to find work amid Lebanon’s economic crisis. Her family was safe from war in Syria, but they didn’t have access to adequate food or basic medical care.

Through LWR, Walaa enrolled in a livelihoods program for refugees and received all the training and supplies she needed to start a business as a beekeeper. With the money she earned, she also planted a vegetable garden to help feed her family. Now she’s earning enough to keep her family afloat and she’s even training other women how to produce and sell honey.

Thank you for saving and transforming lives by loving your neighbors like Walaa!

God bless you!

Warm regards,
Daniel Speckhard, President and CEO


Dear First Lutheran Church

On behalf of the 500+ friends and neighbors who rely on Tabitha Meals on Wheels to remain safe and independent in their home, THANK YOU, for your generous contribution.

Your donations of $2,000 and $1,289 provides so much to grateful Lincoln residents, such as hot, nutritious and tasty meals, 365 days a year, safety and wellbeing checks, friendly visits and smiles from dedicated volunteers and the peace of mind for families and friends knowing our neighbor is taken care of.

More than 81% of our local meal recipients cannot afford the cost of their meal. This is an 11% increase in the past year alone! Across the country, many other home-based food services are closing or putting people on long waiting lists. Yet, Tabitha Meals on Wheels is able to serve more people in need because you continue to care.

With our support we are able to continue to say yes to those in need. Thank you for your support of this vital community service through the hearts and hands of Tabitha.


JP Lauterbach
Director of Development

Christine Hinrichs
President and CEO


Dear First Lutheran Church,

Thank you so much for providing a meal for our post-Sunday worship lunch. It means so much to us that you would take the time and resourcs to support us. We are grateful for this relationship and we wish you the best for all the year has in store. If you ever need help from us, please reach out!

God bless,
The UNL Lutheran Center Students and Staff


First Lutheran Church,

Thank you for your continued faithful contributions to support the Lutheran Food Pantry.

With support from churches and individuals, the Lutheran Food Pantry is addressing the ongoing hunger crisis in our communities.

So many of our neighbors are struggling to meet basic needs and facing hunger on a daily basis. The Lutheran Food Pantry packs boxes for 34 families of various sizes each week for the City Mission and Matt Talbot. Requests are made every week from Lutheran churches for emergency boxes for families that contact them when they have an urgent need for food.

We are grateful for your partnership. Your gift makes a real difference in the lives of hungry families.

This letter serves as your official tax receipt and certifies that no goods or services were provided in exchange for your donation of $3,500, 7,279 pounds of food and 1,118 item not in pounds in 2022.

The Lutheran Food Pantry
Tom and Lynn Ochsner, Coordinators
Norene Steele, Treasurer


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your generous contribution of $400 to Friends Peace Teams. We deeply appreciate your support of our work with TRR programs. You truly make a difference for us and for that we are extremely grateful!

In peace,
Barbara Todd


Dear First Lutheran Church,

Thank you for your generous gift of $1,872.54 to ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America through ELCA Good Gifts.

Your Good Gift is a very good gift indeed. With seedlings and seminary courses, vaccinations and vegetable gardens, Bibles and blankets, you’re equipping God’s people around the world and around the corner with what they need to live abundant lives.

Jesus was born to reign in us forever. Now you are inviting countless others into his gracious kingdom. Thank you.

With gratitude,

Rachel Wind
Executive for Development of the ELCA


Dear Friends,

We are so grateful for your support of Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries’ Trailhead: Shaping Faithful Leaders Campaign! Thanks to your generosity we have reached our goal of $5.2 million and the campaign is complete.

This past summer, 312 elementary-aged campers made Hazel Dillon Lodge their temporary home as they built relationships with one another, grew their faith, and enjoyed God’s creation. The Campership Endowment Fund helped make camp possible for 108 campers in 2022 who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford the full cost of camp. In addition, Evan and Hillary Christensen – our first Seminary Scholarship Fund recipients – are now ordained and serving churches in Swedehome, Rising City and Genoa, NE.

We are thankful today and every day for the impact you continue to have in helping faith come alive through your gift. We hope you’ll continue to pray for these people and the significant experiences in this place set apart.

For helping us shape faithful leaders, we thank you!


Jason Gerdes, CFRE
Executive Director



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