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Gifts of Hope Builds Connections in Life-Giving Ways

The Gifts of Hope Alternative Market at First Lutheran Church in early December raised $16,137.82 for 13 non-profit partner organizations! While this is significant support for the important work of each organization, one can’t ignore the connections that were also made between the shoppers/donors and the organizations. They are as life-giving as the financial gifts. Here are a few examples of the connections made from the 2022 Gifts of Hope Market:

• Tabitha’s staff said the number of new Meals on Wheels drivers who signed up “was like gold” to them.
• Lincoln Bike Kitchen reported that the drop-offs of bikes in great condition were deeply appreciated.
• A family from the congregation is exploring the possibility of signing up for a Nebraska Synod visioning trip to Tanzania, inspired to make a difference after learning that $1700 pays for a year of nurse’s training that can change lives for thousands.
• Dozens of members of the congregation now know that a stunning natural prairie just 15 miles from Lincoln welcomes them, their family and friends year-round—free.
• Members who didn’t know PFLAG existed here were assured that its Lincoln chapter is in the wings, offering encouragement, resources and great hope.
• On the coldest winter days, First Lutheran member Glenn Schawang, Lead Street Outreach Worker for Matt Talbot, will carry with him the knowledge that his congregation deeply values his work.
• Middle school students at First Lutheran came to understand how a human service agency, like the Center for People in Need, addresses the needs of local families with food and diapers, job training and support.
• Folks who cook with olive oil pressed in Bethlehem this year can tell their families that the same oil is used to cook for patients in Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem and provides funds for vocational training for Palestinian youth.
• Young Maasai women will continue to learn, buoyed by the knowledge that their lives matter to people across the ocean, and that their stunning beadwork and fabric creations brighten the world.

Take a moment and watch the video below to hear the gratitude a number of our partners express for all the ways your Gifts of Hope support the important work they do year-round! Gifts of Hope truly is a gift that keeps on giving!

First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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