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Gifts of Hope Carries Light and Hope Around the World

By December 7, 2018Events, Global, News, Serve

Thank you to all that supported the 2018 Gifts of Hope alternative market and giving a gift that will keep on giving! If you missed the December 1-2 event, there are gift giving opportunities still available. Mosaic would welcome a gift anytime for the PROMOT health care program or for local Mosaic programs. The ELCA Good Gifts are available at year-round, along with gift cards. Your gift, any time of the year, will support our BackPack Program and help us meet our commitment to serve three Lincoln elementary schools. Fair Trade products are available any time the church office is open. The South Sudan Good Gifts designated project was a special, time limited arrangement with the ELCA. Any gifts for South Sudan refugee support, refugee supplies, latrines or stocking a medical clinic should be turned into the church office by December 21. If you have questions, contact Sunni Richardson at Again, thanks for sharing the gift of hope!

Watch this video for a recap of the gift giving options that were available at the market and learn what the total of sales were for these important ministries!

Kathleen Simley

Author Kathleen Simley

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Saturday | 5:30pm
Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

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Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

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