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Gifts of Hope: The Numbers and Beyond

By December 13, 2023Events, News, Serve

When a congregation gathers to gift Advent hope to sixten partner groups, anything is possible. And, that’s what happened at this year’s Gifts of Hope Alternative Giving Market at First Lutheran. Together, we gifted $23,161.50 to 16 partners! This is almost a Gifts of Hope record, surpassed only by last year when a major one-time gift was received toward a featured program. Typically, we see totals closer to $15,000-$16,000. Your generosity will bring hope to many in Lincoln, across the U.S. and around the world. Thank you!

Beyond the monetary gifts, the market offered hope in ways that won’t show up on a spreadsheet, but are equally important.

Experience Gifts of Hope through highlights offered by some of the forty members of the congregation who helped make it possible in 2023:

“I observed all the sights and sounds of the morning. There was an electricity in the air as we shared our passion for helping, from our community to around the world. We walk with our neighbors in love.” ~Donice Kaspar

“During the short period of time when Betty Wilken and I could sit down and talk, she related her ‘call to teach in Africa (Cameroon and Madagascar) story.’ Hearing firsthand about how God works in our lives was a blessing. I count it as an Advent gift.”  ~Joan Johnson

“From talking with a PFLAG organization volunteer who didn’t know what to expect and has been told by a family member that they are going to hell for being gay came the comment that other churches needed to follow the example of this Market of Hope. We really are giving hope to others.” ~Tiara Kuhlmann

“When I took a few moments to watch all the people at the tables and the conversations happening, I was filled with pride in what our church was doing. I felt grateful for being a part of the day.” ~Barb Lansing

“I got to wander, resulting in talking with people at the tables about great and sometimes wrenching stories – Sudan, sex trafficking and PFLAG are especially memorable. This broadened my horizons. I heard people share convictions and concern and HOPE!”  ~Susan Myren

“It was wonderful to see so many organizations represented on Sunday and to see people of the community, church and world involved. That is truly church.”   ~Betty Wilken

“What an eye opener for me, learning the perils of fighting sex trafficking! I’ve Got a Name street outreach worker Pam was impressed with the mission of Gifts of Hope, the interest and the giving. She said she wished all churches did this.” ~Judy Bailey

“I was inspired when I saw a donor make a generous donation to Houses for Health in Tanzania. We all should be grateful for what we have in this country.”  ~Mary Rogge

“My take-away was the opportunity to interact with members about the Food BackPack Program in our neighborhood schools. Several were not aware of the program or its scope.”  ~Cindy Lilleioen

“Most precious to me was seeing the pure joy in a guest’s eyes as she looked around in amazement and commented, ‘I think I may just have found my new church home! We’ll be back!’”    ~Barb Johnson Frank

Thanks be to God for all that was and is to be as we gift hope year-round!

First Lutheran

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