The First Lutheran Church Endowment Fund provides a unique and lasting stewardship vehicle for people to express special gratitude to God for the blessings they have received.
We are offering you an opportunity to enhance the Fund by making an All Saints Sunday and Veterans’ Day Remembrance gift. You can honor a family member or celebrate the memory of a loved one.
Donors will be recognized in the worship bulletin the weekend of November 2-3. The amount of your gift will not be listed. Anonymous donations are also welcome.
You can give by using the form in the brochure found in the worship bulletin these next three Sundays and placing it, with your gift, in the offering plate. You may also mail it to the church office by October 30, 2019. You can also give online by clicking on “Give” in the upper right hand corner of our website homepage.
Learn More About the First Lutheran Endowment Fund