It’s Day 3 of VBS and today we learned that God’s love casts our fears. Our theme verse is “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). Every morning we start with breakfast and after the large group opening (where we collect our food donations, sing and watch a skit) we have “family” time in our small groups. Today our small groups played the knot game and talked about their fears. We learned about Rwanda in storytelling and the kids said it was sad to hear the man’s story about his family being killed. They were surprised that he forgave the killers. In Simulation Station the kids talked about those that live with electricity and those that don’t. They removed a block for everything that used electricity and the tower fell. Then they heard about the ELCA programs that help people get electricity and water. Together, they formed a construction crew to “rebuild” the tower. In crafts they weaved bowls, in games they played a game where someone ended up in the middle and then they processed if they felt fear having to be in the middle. For snacks they enjoyed hardboiled eggs and popcorn which are some of the foods eaten in Rwanda. The preschoolers had fun conquering their fears on an obstacle course.