Our mid-week Advent worship service today at noon and 6:30 pm will give you the chance to deepen your understanding of prayer by exploring Old Testament stories that teach about the prayer life of God’s people.
During last Wednesday’s service we heard the story of Abraham and Sarah and how they prayed for years to have children. You can bet their prayers were sometimes hard, wrestling conversations with God when for so many years their prayer wasn’t answered – AND, when it finally did happen AND at a very old age, you can be sure Sarah and Abraham had alot to say and ask God in their prayers.
Their story and the others we will hear during our Advent mid-week worship remind us that prayer isn’t saying just the right words, but having honest conversations with God that reflect real life stuff and even real wrestling with God.
Join us today and next Wednesday, December 14, for Holden Evening Prayer and hear stories from our models of faithful prayer. Plan to enjoy soup after the noon service or at 5:30 pm before the evening service. All are welcome!
(Take a moment to listen to last Wednesday’s Advent message!)