Every Sunday is called a “little Easter” because the church weekly celebrates the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the services of Holy Week take a particular shape, beginning with Palm Sunday and culminating in the Three Days. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Vigil of Easter are actually one service spanning three days. During these three days, we make the passage with Christ through death into life. This year, for the first time in two years, we are especially glad to be able to celebrate Holy Week with no restrictions!
Palm/Passion Sunday begins the sacred drama of Holy Week. Worship begins with a palm procession. During worship the congregation will join in a dramatic reading of the passion narrative by Luke, which ultimately leads to the cross of Good Friday.
Maundy Thursday services are held at noon and 6:30 pm. This night we sit at table with our Lord. We remember the story of how God saved our people in a time of trial. We watch as feet are washed by the servant of all. The 6:30 pm service will include First Communion. The services end with the stripping of the altar.
Good Friday services are also held at noon and 6:30 pm. This service of light and darkness is based on the shadows our Lord experienced on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The extinguishing of candles is placed within the reading of the Passion according to John, the ancient gospel narrative for the day. Rather than “mourning” the dying Jesus, the cross is acclaimed as the sign of the world’s redemption.
The Easter Vigil begins at 6:30 p.m. (in place of the regular 5:30 pm service) on Saturday evening. We start in the Memorial Garden with the lighting of the new flame. In this relaxed and child-friendly service, we move around the church, interactively telling the stories of our “family” history, recalling how God loved and saved God’s people throughout history.
Easter Sunday Festival services at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am celebrate Christ’s victory over death. Easter hymns, lilies and the celebration of Holy Communion make this morning like no other in the church year!