This Sunday, November 29, is the first Sunday of Advent, the season of preparing for the celebration of the birth of Christ. This year our theme is, “In Light & Darkness.” We will explore how to experience both light and darkness in constructive balance, instead of the common opposites of light as good and darkness as bad. This theme will help us shape our Advent activities:
- Sunday worship by livestream at 8:15 am on our website and Facebook page.
- Weekly devotional, with coloring pages and reflections, delivered online in Sunday’s weekly worship email.
- Mid-week worship services each Wednesday with a pre-recording of the much loved Holden Evening Prayer service with scripture and a reflection by one of First Lutheran’s members.
The pre-recorded worship service will be available in each week’s First Things First Wednesday email and on our website to watch on-demand. If you would like to watch the worship service as part of a community with others and enjoy some fellowship time online together afterwards, join us at Noon on Zoom. Just click on this link each week to join the worship service. If evening suits your schedule better, join us for a watch party at 6:30 pm on our Facebook page.