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It Was a Leap of Faith on That July Day in 2018

By September 30, 2022News

In 2015, First Lutheran members embarked in conversations with one another about what it means to be welcoming to all of God’s people. These conversations resulted in the congregation publicly and formally adopting a welcome statement in 2016 (see below). The congregation knew that it’s one thing to say they are welcoming, but another to live it out. The question at hand was…”How can First Lutheran REALLY BE a welcoming congregation?”

It didn’t take long to see that one challenge to living out our welcome statement was our building. After months of discussion, prayer, research and planning, in 2018, the congregation forged into a “Called to Welcome” capital campaign. It was no surprise that First Lutheran members stepped up and out in faith by pledging $2,727,726 towards a building project that would make our church building more accessible, safe and welcoming. However, $2.4 million was still needed to fund the project. In July of 2018, the congregation met to vote on a motion that would finance the multi-million-dollar project through a temporary construction loan that would later be converted into a mortgage loan.

It was going to be a BIG and BOLD vote that summer day in 2018! The video of that day captures the silence of the congregation as they voted on the motion and the spontaneous applause that erupted when they realized they had just voted UNANIMOUSLY to finance the project! Following the vote, Council President, Barry Graham, said it well, “I believe we have taken a leap of faith.”

First Lutheran DID take a leap of faith that day in July of 2018 and since then, we have never looked back. Four years ago, this month (October 2018), First Lutheran broke ground for its “Called to Welcome” building project. On Sunday, during worship at 8:15 am and 10:45 am, we will dedicate our renovated building and remember the welcome statement that not only influenced the why, what and how of the building renovations, but also its influence on who we strive to be today and every day as a faith community moving forward…

“Each person is a unique creation of God and, through grace, is a child of God. The people of First Lutheran Church welcome all because God welcomes all, without regard for race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status, physical or mental challenges, imprisonment, addictions, socio-economic circumstances, or anything else that too often divides us. First Lutheran Church is a spiritual community that celebrates the gifts of God that can empower us to engage in the struggles of life, to care for each other, and to serve Christ where we work and live. Our unity is in Christ.” (Welcome Statement of First Lutheran Church)

Come and celebrate with us on Sunday, in worship, and in the Activity Center, from 9:30-10:30 am, when we gather as a community to reflect on the 4-year journey and recognize and hear from those who worked on the capital campaign and building project (First Lutheran members, architects, Hampton management). Public tours of our renovated building will also be available during our First Fall Festival on Sunday from noon-3:00 pm.

Most importantly, know and remember that YOU are always welcomed at First Lutheran Church!

First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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Saturday | 5:30pm
Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

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1551 South 70th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

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