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Lent: A Prayerful Examination of Ourselves and Our Call to Ministry

Our Lenten experience this year will address the convergence of many interesting realities and opportunities. We will prayerfully ask some challenging questions.

Lent is a time of prayerful examination of ourselves and our calls to ministry. How are we called to minister in this time and place?

This is our 150th year as a congregation. How will our past shape our ministry in the future?

We will complete our welcoming and accessibility building project in the midst of this season. How might this facility be used to serve God’s needs in Lincoln?

Our Lenten journey will help us to address these questions. Our journey will be grounded and rooted in prayer. Our journey will be rich in conversation and learning.

To prepare for this journey, we invite all disciples of our congregation to submit their prayers for First Lutheran. In a paragraph or two, share your heart’s desire for our congregation. Be as specific as you wish. Young and old alike are invited to share prayers. We intend to publish at least seven of them each week during Lent in the First Things First e-newsletter. Send your prayers to Pastor Dan at

During Lent we will also worship each week at noon, followed by a light lunch. We will also gather at 5:30 pm for supper, followed by our Lenten experience at 6:30 pm.

Join us as we listen to God’s desire for us.  Join us as we discern our vision for the future.


Ash Wednesday, February 26
Noon and 6:30 pm
Service of Ashes and Holy Communion

Mid-Week Lenten Worship
Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18 and 25 and April 1
Noon and 6:30 pm
A light lunch will be served after the noon mid-week worship service and a light supper at 5:30 pm before our evening gathering.


Kathleen Simley

Author Kathleen Simley

More posts by Kathleen Simley


Saturday | 5:30pm
Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

Office Hours

Monday-Friday | 8:30am – 4:30pm



1551 South 70th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

(click the map for driving directions)
