by Carol Olson, First Lutheran Member
In last week’s e-newsletter Pastor Erin introduced us to the Nebraska Synod’s year-long focus on “Go and…” In July, we are encouraged to Go and…Listen! Scripture abounds with stories about listening. In 1 Kings 19:11-12, Elijah is being ministered to by an angel to prepare for a long journey. He is then told that God will be passing by very soon. Elijah witnessed terrible winds, earthquakes and fire, but God’s voice wasn’t in those things. Instead, he heard the ‘still, small voice’ of God in the silence, after the ruckus. We, too, are invited to listen for the voice of the Holy One.
Here are two practices for you to participate this month (and beyond):
Awareness of the noise present in our lives. What is the noise level in your daily life? Simply notice what you hear around you each day. Enjoy the sounds of nature, even as they are intermixed with traffic noise and changing weather. In conversation, observe body language (theirs and yours), content and vocal tone and volume. Notice the volume level in your mind and body: do you have commentary running in your mind? Stories or assumptions about the person? Growing tension in your body if there is disagreement? Be attentive to what helps or hinders your ability to listen.
Cultivating times of silence, both internal and externally. Turn down the volume of sounds in your external environment. Just for 20 minutes, a full day, or even a weekend, turn down (or off) devices that make noise and be intentional about limiting time speaking to others. Notice ordinary sounds (hello, refrigerator!) that you may have missed before. Your internal environment, especially your mind and body, may be just as ‘loud’. Do you listen to your body as it communicates that it is hurting, needs rest, food or activity? Your mind may be occupied with details, plans, regrets, and earworms (songs stuck in your mind, on repeat). Be gentle with yourself; this is human nature. Notice the experience of returning to your usual volume setting in daily life. What was helpful in the time of quiet? Surprising? Did you have insights that had opportunities to bubble to the surface, unimpeded by noise?
One more thing: listening is a two-way street! Just as we listen to others, the Creator of All is constantly waiting for us to engage in a conversation with them.
Know that the one who loves you is present both in the noise and in the silence! Go and…Listen!
Other scriptures about listening include Psalm 34:11-14, Isaiah 55:1, Jeremiah 31: 15, Matt 7:24, Matt 13:9 and John 10:27.