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Make a Memorial Day Remembrance Gift to Endowment Board

By May 11, 2020News
With gifts like yours, the First Lutheran Endowment Board provided scholarships to eleven First Lutheran college students last year. Funds were also directed to the Lutheran Food Pantry, the People’s City Mission for Thanksgiving turkeys to be distributed to those in need, the Lutheran Center OpeN Shelf, Faith United Parish for flood relief and the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.
The First Lutheran Church Endowment Fund provides a unique and lasting stewardship vehicle for people to express special gratitude to God for the blessings they have received. We are offering you an opportunity to enhance the Fund by making a Memorial Day Remembrance gift. You can honor a family member or celebrate the memory of a loved one. Please make your donation by May 22. Donors will be recognized in the church bulletin the weekend of May 30-31. The amount of your gift will not be listed. Anonymous donations are also welcome.
Kathleen Simley

Author Kathleen Simley

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