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Advent: Making All Things New

By November 24, 2021News, Worship and Pray

For many of us, the weeks leading up to Christmas are hectic, full of things to get done – decorating, shopping for gifts, baking, attending special events and traveling. The four short weeks leading up to Christmas are also the church season of Advent. One of the gifts this season brings is the space to be still. Advent interrupts the busyness and stress and demands we regularly experience to give us good news of God making all things new through the coming of Christ.

This Advent season we will explore God’s ongoing work of renewing all things, particularly our stories, our days, our spirits and our ways through weekly devotions, Bible studies, hands-on activities and Sunday and mid-week worship. God is actually up to something from morning to night each day of every season of the year. God is not only busy, but getting things done, in us and through us and in the world. God is at work – renewing, redeeming, refreshing, reenergizing, reinventing – to make all things new! God takes our days out of the “same old, same old” and gives us a fresh start each morning, calling us to serve Jesus and others and leading us toward promise. By grace through faith, God forgives us and completely renews our spirits, our very selves. God makes us new creations, giving us not only new ways, but new life in Christ. This work of making all things new is God’s gracious gift to us and to the world.

Join us for mid-week worship with Holden Evening Prayer each Wednesday in Advent (December 1, 8, 15 and 22) at noon and 6:30 pm in the Chapel and hear from fellow First Lutheran family about God’s renewing work in their own lives. The weekly evening worship service will also be livestreamed to our Facebook page. Advent devotions will be emailed weekly on Sundays and available in print for pickup at the church. (Contact Kathleen Simley if you would like to receive the weekly devotional email.)

Join us in Advent as we hear about, experience and celebrate God’s work of renewal in us, through us, and in the world.


(Our weekly devotions will be taken from Book of Faith Advent Reflections: Making All Things New available from Augsburg Fortress. If you are interested in Making All Things New daily devotions and Bible studies throughout the Advent season, you can purchase the book online through Augsburg Fortress.)

First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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