by Lee Rockwell, Congregational Council President
I am pleased to report that the First Lutheran Congregational Council voted unanimously at its meeting last evening (October 10) to forward to the congregation our recommendation to issue a call to Pastor Andrew Kitzing to serve as the Associate Pastor of First Lutheran.
Pastor Kitzing has served the past two years as the Transitional Pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Millard, NE. Prior to that position, he served nearly twelve years as Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Emerald, NE.
The First Lutheran Call Committee forwarded their recommendation to the Church Council two weeks ago to call Pastor Kitzing. The Council met with Pastor Kitzing last Thursday evening on October 5. Following the interview, the Council agreed to spend several days discerning this recommendation and last evening unanimously voted to forward his name to the congregation with the recommendation to issue a call to Pastor Kitzing.
You will have several opportunities to meet Pastor Kitzing over the October 21-22 weekend when he will preach at all three of our worship services. Additionally, “meet and greet” sessions will be held at 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM and 6:30 PM on Saturday, October 21, and between our worship services at 9:30 AM on Sunday, October 22.
A special congregational meeting has been scheduled for 12:00 noon on Sunday, October 29, to vote on issuing the call to Pastor Kitzing, as well as approving his financial package.
This action represents the culmination of an extended review process by the Call Committee. I am grateful for the diligent work of the committee that led to their enthusiastic recommendation to the Council and the Council is equally enthusiastic about our recommendation to the congregation.
Please keep Pastor Kitzing and his wife, along with our pastoral leadership and our members, in your prayers over the days and weeks ahead. This is an exciting time for First Lutheran Church.