FaithTrek, for preschoolers through 5th grade, will go from being an in-person class on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am to being a more fluid learning experience accessed through a new smartphone app. We…
Our life together as a congregation at First Lutheran continues to evolve as we explore how we communicate and worship together as a community in the midst of the pandemic. We are excited…
Our middle and high school youth will be making sock kits for Matt Talbot Kitchen on Sunday, September 13. An application for Thrivent funds to purchase supplies has been submitted, but there is…
We are “Celebrating God’s Faithfulness” this year as our stewardship theme – echoing and reinforcing the celebration of our congregation’s 150th anniversary! We live out our discipleship and stewardship at First Lutheran Church…
Caring for others in need is part of our DNA as a congregation. It is tied to our understanding of what it means to welcome and it is a guiding principle in our…
Our 7th and several 8th confirmation students retreated to Carol Joy Holling Camp near Ashland on Saturday where they enjoyed getting to know each other, doing some stretch and prayer yoga, imaginative story…
A new edition of The Voice is now online for you to read or download. The newsletter includes updates on plans for live streaming worship, our Stewardship campaign, the new learning year for kids and…
Our high school students enjoyed a bonfire at Camp Carol Joy Holling last weekend with lots of good conversation and sharing stories about the start of school.
Michael and Erin Zimmeran’s wedding in September of 2018 was the last wedding in our Sanctuary before the remodeling project. Their daughter, Lucy Jo, was the first person baptized in the new Sanctuary….
Did you know that singing in a choir is cheaper than therapy, healthier than drinking and more fun that working out? Adult Choir will begin meeting Wednesdays at 7:10 pm via Zoom on…