Did you know all of our videos – including worship – are archived and available for you to watch or re-watch anytime 24/7? They are available online on Vimeo. Simply go to our…
Our summer Backyard Safari learning program was a HUGE hit with kids, parents and even grandparents! For six weeks families explored God’s creation in their own home, backyard and neighborhood. It was a…
Come out for a Drive Thru Blessing of the Backpacks this Sunday, August 9, from Noon- 1:00 pm. All ages are invited and will receive a backpack tag (photo of tag to the…
Our Saturday drop off of food items for the Lutheran Food Pantry will no longer continue. However, food items can be dropped off during the week – Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 am-4:00…
We are going to going to make our return trip to First Lutheran Church this Sunday after a month long journey of discernment. As you return, reflect on your journey. What have you…
You can finally leave your rain hat home! The sky lights over the stairwell going down to the lower level outside of the Activity Center have been replaced. Say goodbye to drips of…
The staff of First Lutheran took time to “retreat” with one another this past week. “Church” may look and feel different right now, but one thing still stays the same…the passion and commitment…
Our 150th Anniversary Celebration, originally scheduled in April, was put on hold due to COVID-19. At this time, we have not rescheduled the celebration, but hope to sometime next year. If you purchased…
First Lutheran Church welcomes all because God welcomes all. We are a faith community that can have conversations even when the topics are tough. We engage in dialogue and listening because we care…
Info: Kim Cordonier at kimcordonier@gmail.com One of the ways you can live out your discipleship is by serving First Lutheran in an elected position. It’s a great way for you to share your…