Ticket sales for the April 26 150th anniversary banquet are now on sale. The noon banquet will be catered by ChefauChef. You can purchase tickets at Saturday night worship and between Sunday worship…
In 1912, a pipe organ was installed at our church, located at 13th & K, at a cost of $2100 and it was dedicated without debt. In 1983, A Pipe Organ Fund was…
“Amazing Grace” as prelude, “Closer Walk With Thee” as offertory and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” as postlude…Sunday’s jazz worship service featured three favorite hymns. (And, don’t we have amazing musical…
February 23,1870…fast forward to February 23, 2020.
Percussionist Joey Gulizia and his combo will make a return visit to First Friday Jazz on Friday, March 6, from 11:30 am-1:00 pm. Joey has chosen many familiar tunes for the concert with…
As we move in to the season of Lent we are reminded to LISTEN. Our FaithTrek kids will be practicing their listening skills as they study God’s Word, share their own stories and…
Millions of people in South Sudan have been impacted by the ravages of civil war and famine. You may have heard about the situation from First Lutheran members at the Gifts of Hope…
After almost two years, our building project is nearing the end. As we reflect during the Lenten season as to what God calls us to do into the future, a lot of finish…
The cross suspended above the altar in our Sanctuary signifies the risen Christ. The red center represents sacrifice and the five black spots indicate the wounds suffered by our Lord. The royal color…
Walk through the doors into our new Sanctuary and have a seat in our new pews. You are welcome!