A tribute to Barbara Streisand, coupled with many jazz standards, will be featured at the First Friday Jazz concert on February 7 from 11:30 am-1:00 pm with Camille Metoyer Moten. Camille, a popular…
Need a gift for Valentine’s day? Stop by and check out some of the new Fair Trade chocolate flavors. When you choose Fair Trade chocolate, you are being kind to yourself, your body…
The Faith Coalition of Lancaster County (FCLC) is an interfaith gathering of people of faith who live and serve in the Lincoln area. We were one of the founding congregations when it was…
This month’s FaithTrek word of the month is “World.” The kids have enjoyed First Lutheran members talking about their homes in different parts of the world. The K-1 students enjoyed hearing Luis and…
This month our Confirmation Dinner+Learning group have been focusing on their ideal faith futures. They learned that to have the faith future they most want it will require four things: 1) Vision –…
Sundays in the Chapel 9:30-10:25 am February 2 – The Lighthouse – Pete Allman, Executive Director. The Lighthouse promotes the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of adolescents. It is a place for…
First Lutheran Church held its 150th annual congregational meeting today. Along with approving the 2020 budget, we elected leaders for the coming year. Thank you to all the faithful members who ran for…
This is our last week of the Souper Bowl of Caring campaign! Bring your donations of oatmeal and/or cereal to the Commons by Friday, January 31. This Sunday’s Noisy Offering will buy additional food…
Being a Guardian Angel is being a minister of presence. It means attending the juvenile immigration docket in Omaha to be the church present for children and families. Even though it is a…
Make plans to attend our annual congregational meeting this Sunday, January 26, at 12:30 pm. We will adopt a spending plan for the year, elect new leaders and evaluate and celebrate our ministry…