Pharoah met his match when God showed up in the civil disobedience of two brave and clever midwives, Puah and Shiphrah. Pastor Erin Heidelberger’s weekend sermon invites listeners to consider how God brings…
It’s not often that you have an accordion inviting worshipers to “Come Into the House” like Sunday’s worship did.
This weekend’s Good Book sermon will focus on Exodus 1:15-22 and the story of Puah. We don’t often spend a lot of time talking about Puah’s story (and her colleague Shiphrah) and their…
On April 26, a devastating EF-4 tornado wreaked havoc on the communities of Elkhorn, Bennington and Blair (just to name a few), resulting in unprecedented loss and destruction of homes and neighborhoods. Families…
Due to the excessive heat, the Pastor Patio Gathering planned for Wednesday, July 31, was rescheduled to Wednesday, August 28 from 7-9 PM. Mark your calendar and plan to gather on what hopes…
“Even though you intended to do harm, God ‘planned it over’ for good.” Genesis 50:20 The familiar story of Joseph and his brothers points to a God of new beginnings who journeys with…
To My Dear First Family, On July 4th, 1985, I flew to Lincoln from the Los Angeles area to work on a new project Nebraska Book Company (NBC) was starting. They were entering…
During the month of August we are collecting needed items for Cedars Home for Children who provides many services for foster care children and families. Learn more at Look for the display…
Years after Joseph is the recipient of his brother’s jealousy and sold into slavery in Egypt – he comes face to face with them again. They are in need, he is in power….