Volunteers have been meeting weekly with a group of ten students in our English Language Learning group since the beginning of the month. On Sunday, April 29, the students will be matched with…
Adult Forum Learning Hour is held every Sunday in the Chapel from 9:30-10:25 am. The learning hour in May will feature the following sessions: May 6 – ADHD, Sensory Issues and Summer Activities…
In the United States we use 500 million straws a day! That is enough straw waste to wrap the circumference of the earth 2.5 times or to fill Yankee Stadium over 9 times…
What do you love about First Lutheran? How is First Lutheran welcoming to you? What does First Lutheran mean to you? Stop by the “Call to Welcome” wall in the Commons and read…
All ushers, staff and interested persons are invited to a training on our Emergency Action Plan on Sunday, April 29, from Noon-2:30 pm. Lunch is provided. We will review the use of the…
Grace sounds simple, but it’s not. FaithTrek kids will continue wrestling with the concept of forgiveness and grace as we celebrate Easter during the month of April. We will then turn our attention…
Are you interested in exploring more about the faith/science relationship? If so, you will want to participate in the NESciFest events coming up in April. ABC News’, Ginger Zee, headlines this year’s festival….
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have an important announcement to make. This past Sunday, we officially launched a very special capital campaign effort that will help us become who we say we…
The review sessions of the ELCA Women and Justice Social Statement in February and March generated meaningful feedback and is being forwarded to the ELCA. We are also exploring concrete actions we can take…
by Reverend Harlan Heier In the mid-1970’s I was looking for something new to use to tell the faith story during Lent. When I found a book of Lenten chancel dramas and meditations,…