Happy Advent! Two of our kiddos baked these cupcakes to celebrate Advent in their home. The recipe was included in the Advent-to-Go box that was left on their doorstep, along with 59…
Our Noisy Offering tomorrow will be given to the Platte Basin Timelapse, a project supported by Michael Forsberg. Michael shares: “It was my pleasure to be the Adult Forum speaker at First Lutheran…
Advent is a season of waiting and hoping. Join us this Sunday from 9:30-10:30 am in the Activity Center for conversation on Advent traditions you have participated in and how you and your…
First Lutheran’s Welcoming Refugees project began as an idea in September. Members had been haunted by national news stories of the horror playing out as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. We pledged to…
Join us for the beautiful Holden Evening Prayer service today in the Chapel for our mid-week Advent worship at noon and 6:30 pm. First Lutheran member, Daniel Robles, will offer the reflection message…
The Gifts of Hope digital catalog is now live online! The Gifts of Hope Alternative Giving Market, an annual outreach by First Lutheran Church, centers on the belief that focusing on a…
Watch the video for a snipet of what you will find at this weekend’s Gifts of Hope alternative market! Look for the digital shopping catalog that will go live tomorrow with online shopping…
We welcome you as fellow members of the Body of Christ and into the mission we share. Claimed at the font, united at Christ’s table, and strengthened by Christ’s word, we go together…
On December 4 and 5, First Lutheran’s first hybrid Gifts of Hope Alternative Gift Market will make choosing meaningful holiday gifts easier than ever! During the week of November 29, browse an interactive…