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Prayer Around the Cross Mid-Week Lenten Worship

By February 24, 2022News, Worship and Pray

Wednesdays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6

Noon & 6:30 PM; Livestream on Facebook; 6:30 PM

Our mid-week worship services this Lent will be shaped around Prayer Around the Cross, a service written for and developed at the Lutheran renewal center, Holden Village. This contemplative service invites us into meditative worship that focuses on the cross and God’s promises found there. In worship, we will hear this invitation: “Jesus, in his suffering and death, reveals the very heart of God, a heart of pure unspeakable love, a heart that risks everything for the sake of love, a heart open to the suffering of others and broken by the cruelty of others, a heart alive with love that death could not hold. Come, to the cross, to the heart of God. Bring your own heart as it is – hardened or cold, broken or empty, fearful or unfaithful, for God welcomes it and breathes into it the Spirit of Christ’s love.”

First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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Saturday | 5:30pm
Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

Office Hours

Monday-Friday | 8:30am – 4:30pm



1551 South 70th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

(click the map for driving directions)
