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Praying with Mandalas

Sitting still is difficult for me. Sitting still in prayer is even more of a challenge. So when I just want to sit with God and listen, I get out my crayons and markers and start to color.
Here’s what often happens for me…
1. Ask for peace, direction and hope.
2. Get really quiet.
3. Catch myself daydreaming.
4. Say, “Thanks”, for things in my life.
5. Continue to just listen.
6. Obsess about something over which I have no control.
7. Say the Serenity Prayer for the things I have no control over.
8. Mumble pathetic little prayers like, “Help,” “Please,” and “When?”
9. Get still again.
10. Feel God’s peace. Praying with Mandalas is an opportunity to bring simplicity and vitality to your prayer life. It is a method that weaves together adult coloring with centuries old contemplative prayer practices.
Recently, our confirmation students learned about different prayer practices, including Mandalas. They were asked to practice praying with a Mandala..
Here are Mandalas that were completed by two of the Confirmation students, including Caleb.
Caleb’s mom, Sarah, shared: “My dad loves to color and does it every day. So after the Prayer Mandala Confirmation night we were talking at the table and he and Caleb ended up doing a Mandala together. It was so cool because Dad talked about his Confirmation experience with Caleb.”
Practice praying a Mandala yourself. Our Advent devotional coloring pages would be great to use to get started.
Kathleen Simley

Author Kathleen Simley

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