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Register Your Child for the New Learning Year Starting September 15

by Laura Graulty, FaithTrek Coordinator
I had a conversation recently with a cherub as to why we don’t call Sunday morning learning time “Sunday School” anymore. Do you know the reason?
We want the cherubs to know that faith development is all week long, not just one day, and it is never-ending. Right? FaithTrek for ages 3 through 5th grade, offers a way to honor our baptismal commitment of nurturing children in the church, fostering their spiritual growth and infusing some fun along the way.
A typical FaithTrek Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30 AM features 20 minutes of music, followed by a 40-minute biblical lesson. Our curriculum aligns with the lectionary, expanding on the day’s lesson or Gospel. Cherubs take home lesson ideas while I follow up with parents via my “Weekly Blast” enewsletter for home reinforcement.
Young people are crucial to our church’s health and future. That’s why I’m passionate about FaithTrek. In my early months, I visited many children’s homes to connect faces with names. I discovered amazing kids at First! Most all attend FaithTrek and our numbers comtinue to grow!
Finally, I asked some cherubs about their favorite Faithtrek memories. Singing “This Little Light of Mine” with glow sticks for the congregation was a highlight, as was wrapping up Miss Elsa in toilet paper to show Lazarus breaking free at Jesus’ call. My heart warming moments? Every Sunday when cherubs run and hug me before and after FaithTrek. Seriously! Best Job Ever.
Join us for a new FaithTrek learning year starting on Sunday, September 15th from 9:30-10:30 AM! All cherubs, ages 3 to 5th grade, are welcome! Our nursery even offers a special learning experience for children aged 3-4 every Sunday.
Middle and high school students will also kick off their learning year as they explore being “Young Samaritans,” delving into the Good Samaritan story.
Youth of all ages are welcome to our Sunday learning hour – why not bring your friends along? Not a First member? No problem! Your children are invited, too!
First Lutheran

Author First Lutheran

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Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

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Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

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