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Save the Date for the Nehemiah Action Assembly on May 1

By January 23, 2025January 27th, 2025Events, News
Last spring, when 33 members of First Lutheran Church joined more than 1,000 representatives of 25 local faith communities at Justice in Action’s annual Nehemiah Action Assembly, the congregation’s advocacy network took a bold step. How inspiring it was to experience first-hand what can happen when faith communities work together for justice!
Justice in Action is a community-led, grassroots organization. Its focus areas are determined through a series of listening sessions like those offered at First Lutheran last fall. On January 19th, 17 members of the congregation gathered for updates on JIA’s current areas of focus from organizer Olivia Butts:
  • Increasing access to pre-trial diversion for non-violent adult offenders
  • Developing a mental health navigation system
  • Exploring options for landlord-tenant mediation
The main focus for First Lutheran’s network this year is growing our representation at the 2025 Nehemiah Action Assembly at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on Thursday, May 1, at 6:30 PM. Here, 1,200-1,500 people will stand for justice together! The agenda includes research team progress reports, first-person stories about what’s needed and what’s possible and the opportunity for local elected officials to speak with their constituents about JIA’s focus issues.
Please mark your calendar now for the May 1 Nehemiah Action Assembly at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on 84th and Pioneers. Plan to arrive early for the 6:30 PM meeting. Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members to join you – JIA is open to all!

“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?”  -Micah 6:8

For information about Justice in Action, visit or contact Pastor Andrew Kitzing, Kari Hoeft, Karen Statham or Barb Johnson Frank.
First Lutheran

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