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Seeking All Talent for Valentine’s Day Online Talent Show

By January 6, 2021Events, News

If you enjoyed the Grateful Hearts online concert in November, then you are sure to LOVE the Valentine’s Day Online Talent Show! What is your God-given talent? Is it comedy, music, acting, drawing, storytelling, dancing, hula-hooping or something else really unique? We are looking for members, like you, and of all ages, to send a recording of themselves, featuring their talent. All recordings are due to Kathleen Simley by Friday, February 5. Contact Kathleen for specific self-recording instructions or to schedule a recording at church.

Kathleen Simley

Author Kathleen Simley

More posts by Kathleen Simley


Saturday | 5:30pm
Sunday | 8:15am
Sunday | 10:45am
Sunday | 12:00pm (Nuer Worship)

Office Hours

Monday-Friday | 8:30am – 4:30pm



1551 South 70th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

(click the map for driving directions)
