Every penny spent this past weekend at First Lutheran Church’s annual Gifts of Hope Alternative Giving Market left the building to support the work of 16 trusted local, regional and international partners. In-person and online shoppers ceased the opportunity to “do something…”
- Address hunger in Lincoln and other parts of the world
- Fund supplies needed for locally made quilts that are distributed internationally to those in need of warmth and safety
- Contribute toward the education of a nurse in Tanzania
- Provide safe housing for a family
- Fund micro-loans for women and children in Madagascar and Cameroon
- Make education possible for women and girls in Tanzania
- Address the severe famine in South Sudan
- Provide scholarship funding for quality childcare for families in need
- Support patient and staff care at a regional specialty hospital in East Jerusalem in the midst of war
- Serve the needs of the working poor and homeless
- Support victims of sex trafficking
- Advocate for the dignity of all people
- Provide bike transportation for kids to work or school
- Support active-duty military and veterans and their families who face employment, housing obstacles or mental health challenges
- Provide clothing and supplies for newcomers admitted into the United States
Because so many caring and compassionate shoppers choose to “do something” by making purchases at the in-person and online markets, hundreds of people around the world will be the recipients of their gifts of hope! Thank you!
Stay tuned for an announcement coming soon on the total amount of money raised from the weekend market with 100% of it going directly to the 16 partners!