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Using Story Icons to Help With Your Prayer Time

By November 12, 2020News, Worship and Pray

by Carol Olson, First Lutheran Member

We can all relate to the emotions expressed in this icon of Jesus just before he calmed the sea during a bad storm. We see Peter standing, pleading, arms outstretched and perhaps angry with Jesus as he says with a raised voice: “Teacher, Teacher, don’t you care
that we are perishing!” We see a young John, curled up in a ball; afraid, frozen with fear. Jesus, however, is so relaxed, calm, stretched out and perhaps even dreaming as he sleeps through this violent storm that tips the boat! Three of the Gospels include this story: Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41,and Luke 8:22-25.

Stories like this one, and more especially icons that depict the stories, can be very helpful for your prayer time. Take a few moments and read the story. Then, take a longer time to look at this icon. Notice what connects you to the image; whether it is the emotions depicted, the gestures of the body that are used or even the colors used in the icon. Explore those feelings by writing about (or sharing with a trusted person) anything else that arises with those emotions. Know that the Divine wants to hear from you – no matter what your emotions are. Offer these feelings to the Divine; you may want to sit in silence or say a worded prayer. Know that they will be received with love from the

Kathleen Simley

Author Kathleen Simley

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