Last week was amazing at “God’s Good Creation” Vacation Bible School! There was storytelling, games, crafts, music and lots of serving. Here’s what 40 young disciples accomplished in five short days:
- Served 386 people meals at Matt Talbot Kitchen;
- Stuffed 122 socks with bottled water and granola bars for Matt Talbot Kitchen;
- Assembled 71 Lutheran World Relief School Kits;
- Tied 5 fleece blankets for CHI Hospital;
- Cut 12 pair of shoe patterns from jeans for SoleHope;
- Collected and delivered 294 food and personal care items for the Lutheran Food Pantry;
- Decorated cards for our pastors to deliver to shut-ins and those who are hospitalized; and
- Purchased 3 piglets through ELCA World Hunger with their VBS offering.