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Voting Results from 2022 Annual Meeting

By January 30, 2022News

Here are the voting results from the ballots at yesterday’s annual meeting:

Congregational Council 

Lee Rockwell

Bruce Hull

Jennifer Wemhoff

Scott Seebohm

Michelle (Denise) Mainquist

Dave Pfister (one year term only)


Nominating Committee

Norman Kempf

Tera Beermann

Sandy Latshaw


Synod Assembly Delegates

Les Carlson

Kari Hoeft

Judy Batterman

Gene Cotter

Sherri Cotter


Endowment Board

Steve Doolittle

Tracy Way


The vote was “for” the motion that proposed constitutional revisions.

The vote was “against” the motion for the nominating committee preparing a slate of at least one candidate for every vacancy on the Congregation Council, Endowment Fund Board and Nominating Committee.

First Lutheran

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